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Countdown - 10 Years of Rock n Roll (19890118) 01.jpgVoor het internationale archief zijn wij op zoek naar afleveringen van het muziekprogramma Countdown zoals uitgezonden door Veronica en later ook door Europa TV, Music Box, Super Channel en Sky Channel onder de titel Countdown Europe's Number 1 Rockshow. Alles is welkom; interviews, presentaties, optredens. Liefst complete afleveringen. Zelf opgenomen banden zetten we gratis voor je over en komen indien gewenst netjes retour. Ruilmateriaal aanwezig, of we nemen de banden over, komen we wel uit.


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 zaterdag, 27 juli 2024
Cosby Show
dinsdag, 27 januari 2004


Cosby Show 101 - Pilot.avi
Cosby Show 102 - Mr. Fish (aka Goodbye Mr. Fish).avi
Cosby Show 103 - Bad Dreams.avi
Cosby Show 104 - Is That My Boy.avi
Cosby Show 105 - A Shirt Story.avi
Cosby Show 106 - Breaking With Tradition.avi
Cosby Show 107 - One More Time.avi
Cosby Show 108 - Play It Again Vanessa.avi
Cosby Show 109 - How Ugly Is He.avi
Cosby Show 110 - Bon Jour Sondra.avi
Cosby Show 111 - You're Not a Mother Night.avi
Cosby Show 112 - Rudy's Sick.avi
Cosby Show 113 - Father's Day.avi
Cosby Show 114 - Independance Day.avi
Cosby Show 115 - Physician of the Year.avi
Cosby Show 116 - Jitterburg Break.avi
Cosby Show 117 - Theo and the Joint.avi
Cosby Show 118 - Vanessa's New Class.avi
Cosby Show 119 - Clair's Case.avi
Cosby Show 120 - Back to the Track, Jack.avi
Cosby Show 121 - The Younger Woman.avi
Cosby Show 122 - Slumber Party.avi
Cosby Show 123 - Mr. Quiet.avi
Cosby Show 124 - Cliff's Birthday (mist 1e 2 min).avi
Cosby Show 201 - First Day of School.avi
Cosby Show 202 - The Juicer (mist 1e 2 min).avi
Cosby Show 204 - Cliff in Love.avi
Cosby Show 205 - Theo and the Older Woman (mist 1e min).avi
Cosby Show 206 - Halloween.avi
Cosby Show 207 - Rudy Suits Up.avi
Cosby Show 208 - Denise Drives.avi
Cosby Show 210 - Clair's Toe.avi
Cosby Show 211 - Denise's Friend.avi
Cosby Show 212 - Mrs. Westlake.avi
Cosby Show 213 - The Auction.avi
Cosby Show 214 - Vanessa's Bad Grade.avi
Cosby Show 215 - The and Cockroach.avi
Cosby Show 216 - The Dentist.avi
Cosby Show 217 - Play It Again, Russell.avi
Cosby Show 218 - A Touch of Wonder.avi
Cosby Show 219 - Full House.avi
Cosby Show 220 - Close to Home.avi
Cosby Show 221 - An Early Spring.avi
Cosby Show 222 - Theo's Holiday.avi
Cosby Show 223 - The Card Game.avi
Cosby Show 224 - Off to the Races.avi
Cosby Show 225 - Denise's Decision.avi
Cosby Show 301 - Bring 'em Back Alive.avi
Cosby Show 302 - Food for Thought.avi
Cosby Show 303 - Golden Anniversary.avi
Cosby Show 304 - Man Talk.avi
Cosby Show 305 - Mother, May I.avi
Cosby Show 306 - The March.avi
Cosby Show 307 - Theo's Flight.avi
Cosby Show 308 - Vanessa's Rich.avi
Cosby Show 309 - Denise Gets a D.avi
Cosby Show 310 - A Girl and Her Dog.avi
Cosby Show 311 - War Stories.avi
Cosby Show 312 - Cliff in Charge.avi
Cosby Show 313 - Monster Man Huxtable (partly noisy).avi
Cosby Show 314 - Rudy Spends the Night.avi
Cosby Show 315 - Say Hello to a Good Buy.avi
Cosby Show 316 - Denise Gets an Opinion.avi
Cosby Show 317 - Calling Doctor Huxtable.avi
Cosby Show 319 - The Shower.avi
Cosby Show 320 - Cliff's 50th Birthday.avi
Cosby Show 321 - I Know That You Know.avi
Cosby Show 322 - Andalusian Flu.avi
Cosby Show 323 - Bald and Beautiful.avi
Cosby Show 324 - Planning Parenthood.avi
Cosby Show 325 - Hillman.avi
Cosby Show 401 - Call of the Wild.avi
Cosby Show 402 - Theogate.avi
Cosby Show 403 - It's Not Easy Being Green.avi
Cosby Show 405 - Shakespeare.avi
Cosby Show 406 - That's Not What I Said.avi
Cosby Show 407 - Autumn Gifts.avi
Cosby Show 408 - Looking Back (1).avi
Cosby Show 409 - Looking Back (2).avi
Cosby Show 410 - Where's Rudy.avi
Cosby Show 411 - Dance Mania.avi
Cosby Show 412 - The Locker Room.avi
Cosby Show 413 - The Show Must Go On.avi
Cosby Show 414 - Bookworm.avi
Cosby Show 416 - The Visit.avi
Cosby Show 417 - The Drum Major.avi
Cosby Show 418 - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.avi
Cosby Show 418 - Waterworks.avi
Cosby Show 419 - Once Upon a Time.avi
Cosby Show 420 - Petanque.avi
Cosby Show 421 - Trust Me.avi
Cosby Show 422 - Home for the Weekend.avi
Cosby Show 423 - The Prom.avi
Cosby Show 424 - Gone Fishin'.avi
Cosby Show 501 - Together Again and Again.avi
Cosby Show 502 - The Psysical.avi
Cosby Show 503 - Rudy's All-Nighter.avi
Cosby Show 504 - Move It (a.k.a The Baby Game).avi
Cosby Show 505 - Out of Brooklyn.avi
Cosby Show 506 - The Birth (1).avi
Cosby Show 507 - The Birth (2).avi
Cosby Show 508 - Cyranoise Bergington.avi
Cosby Show 509 - How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall.avi
Cosby Show 510 - If the Dress Fits, Wear It.avi
Cosby Show 511 - Is There a Hamster in the House.avi
Cosby Show 512 - Truth or Consequences.avi
Cosby Show 513 - Cliff Babysits.avi
Cosby Show 514 - Mrs. Huxtable Goes to Kindergarten.avi
Cosby Show 515 - The Lost Weekend.avi
Cosby Show 516 - No Way, Baby.avi
Cosby Show 517 - Can I Say Something, Please.avi
Cosby Show 518 - The Dead End Kids Meet Dr. Lotus.avi
Cosby Show 519 - The Boys of Winter.avi
Cosby Show 520 - It Comes and It Goes.avi
Cosby Show 521 - Theo's Women.avi
Cosby Show 522 - Birthday Blues.avi
Cosby Show 523 - A Room With No View.avi
Cosby Show 524 - What He Did for Love.avi
Cosby Show 525 - Day of the Locusts.avi
Cosby Show 526 - 57 Varieties.avi
Cosby Show 601 - Denise- The Saga Continues.avi
Cosby Show 603 - I'm 'In' With the 'In' Crowd.avi
Cosby Show 604 - Denise Kendall- Navy Wife.avi
Cosby Show 605 - Theo's Gift.avi
Cosby Show 607 - Shall We Dance.avi
Cosby Show 608 - The Day the Spores Landed.avi
Cosby Show 609 - Cliff's Wet Adventure.avi
Cosby Show 610 - Grampy and Nu-Nu Visit the Huxtables.avi
Cosby Show 611 - Cliff la Dolce.avi
Cosby Show 612 - Getting to Know You.avi
Cosby Show 613 - Elvin Pays for Dinner.avi
Cosby Show 614 - Cliff's Nightmare.avi
Cosby Show 615 - Denise Kendall- Singles Counselor.avi
Cosby Show 616 - The Birthday Party.avi
Cosby Show 617 - Not Everybody Loves the Blues.avi
Cosby Show 618 - Rudy's Walk on the Wild Side.avi
Cosby Show 619 - Mr. Sandman.avi
Cosby Show 620 - Isn't It Romantic.avi
Cosby Show 621 - Theo's Dirty Laundry.avi
Cosby Show 622 - What's It All About.avi
Cosby Show 623 - Off to See the Wretched.avi
Cosby Show 624 - The Moves.avi
Cosby Show 625 - Live and Learn.avi
Cosby Show 626 - The Storyteller.avi
Cosby Show 701 - Same Time Next Year.avi
Cosby Show 702 - Bird in the Hand.avi
Cosby Show 703 - The Last Barbecue.avi
Cosby Show 704 - Period of Adjustment.avi
Cosby Show 705 - It's All in the Game.avi
Cosby Show 706 - Getting the Story.avi
Cosby Show 708 - Just Thinking About it (2).avi
Cosby Show 709 - The Infantry Has Landed (and They've Fallen Off the Roof).avi
Cosby Show 710 - You Can Go Home Again.avi
Cosby Show 711 - It's a Boy.avi
Cosby Show 712 - Clair's Liberation.avi
Cosby Show 714 - Theo's Final Final.avi
Cosby Show 715 - Attack of the Killer B's.avi
Cosby Show 716 - Total Control.avi
Cosby Show 717 - Adventures in Babysitting.avi
Cosby Show 718 - 27 and Still Cooking.avi
Cosby Show 719 - The Return of the Clairettes.avi
Cosby Show 720 - No More Mr. Nice Guy.avi
Cosby Show 721 - Home Remedies.avi
Cosby Show 722 - Nightmare on Stigwood Avenue.avi
Cosby Show 723 - There's Still No Joy in Mudville.avi
Cosby Show 724 - Cliff and Jake.avi
Cosby Show 812 - Clair's Place.avi
Cosby Show 813 - Theo's Future.avi
Cosby Show 814 - The Price is Wrong.avi
Cosby Show 815 - Bring Me the Lip Gloss of Deirdre Arpelle.avi
Cosby Show 816 - Eat, Drink and Be Wary.avi
Cosby Show 817 - The Getaway.avi
Cosby Show 818 - Cliff Gets Jilted.avi
Cosby Show 819 - Cliff and Theo Come Clean.avi

Recente Discussie
1: Re:VHS banden 1999-2012 (3) by Dominic
2: Gezocht: [24 uur met] René Gude (24-01-2014) (1) by rbnspm
3: Gezocht: aflevering goochelaars ontmaskerd (1) by Daha1969
4: Re:Pinokkio - Kindernet (4) by Puntje
5: Gezocht: Docu Straatbeelden 1988 (1) by Dominic
6: Re:Afleveringen ceddie gezocht - uitgezonden eo (2) by Puntje
 Staatsloterij - Appel Schieten (Marnix Kappers) (1985).jpg
Hier online:
Posted by: admin
 Lotto - Krasloten in de Toekomst (Serge Henri Falcke) (1997).jpg
Wie heeft dit reclamefilmpje voor mij op DVD of MP...
Posted by: B.Tol
 Staatsloterij - Appel Schieten (Marnix Kappers) (1985).jpg
Hoi beste, ik zou graag dit filmpje een keer wille...
Posted by: John ter Voort
 TV Show - Interview Willem Ruis (198x).jpg
Belachelijk late reactie maar kom; dit is uit 1982...
Posted by: MrSambaboy
 5 Tegen 5 (20060121) 02.jpg
Helemaal vergeten dat Winston dit ook nog gepresen...
Posted by: MrSambaboy
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