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Countdown - 10 Years of Rock n Roll (19890118) 01.jpgVoor het internationale archief zijn wij op zoek naar afleveringen van het muziekprogramma Countdown zoals uitgezonden door Veronica en later ook door Europa TV, Music Box, Super Channel en Sky Channel onder de titel Countdown Europe's Number 1 Rockshow. Alles is welkom; interviews, presentaties, optredens. Liefst complete afleveringen. Zelf opgenomen banden zetten we gratis voor je over en komen indien gewenst netjes retour. Ruilmateriaal aanwezig, of we nemen de banden over, komen we wel uit.


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 vrijdag, 07 februari 2025
Classic USA
dinsdag, 27 januari 2004

9 Lives - Vote Nine Lives (1987).mpg
A1 - Dont Cover it Discover It (1987).mpg
A1 Steak Sauce - 80s Cowboys (1982).mpg
ABC Network Bumper - Alarm Clock (1983).mpg
Aim - Take Aim against Cavitites (1982).mpg
Almond Joy - 10 Percent Bigger (1987).mpg
Apple Jacks - 50s Diner (1986).mpg
ATT Cheap  (1986).mpg
Big League Chew - Man Size Wads (1982).mpg
Bonkers - Bonks you Out Watermelon (1985).mpg
Borden - Cracker Jack - Really Good (1982).mpg
Bounty - Rosie on the Waterfall (1987).mpg
Bubble Yum - When Time Is Going Slow (1986).mpg
Burger King - Feed an Army (1988).mpg
Burger King - Magical Ring (1982).mpg
Burger King - Sir Shakes-a-Lot (1980).mpg
Cabbage Patch Kids Cereal (1985).mpg
Califronia Rasins - Ray Charles (1989).mpg
Capri Sun - There is Only One Capri Sun (1983).mpg
CBS - In the News - Intro (1984).mpg
CBS Network Bumped - Saturday Morning Supercade 02 (1983).mpg
CBS Network Bumper - Donkey Kong Supercade (1984).mpg
Centurions - Jake Rockwell (1988).mpg
Cheerios - Destroy the Giant (1987).mpg
Chef Boyardee - Hamurger Helper Claymation (1986).mpg
Chef Boyardee - Smurf Pasta (1986).mpg
Chipmunks (1983).mpg
Clapper (1984).mpg
Colgate - Weve Got the Colgate Pump (1988).mpg
Crest - Advance Formula Gel - Cavity Creep Attack (1982).mpg
Crest - You Will Have no Teeth Fool (1987).mpg
Cricket Doll (1989).mpg
Crispy Critters Cereal (1987).mpg
Curtill - Butterfinger - Baby Ruth - Dracula (1982).mpg
Diet Dr Pepper - With Nutrasweet (1989).mpg
Dinky Doughnuts - Win an Atari 2600 or VCR (1982).mpg
Eggos - Homestyle (1982).mpg
Encyclopedia Britanica (1989).mpg
Felloggs Apple Jacks - AJ Clubhouse (1982).mpg
Fig Newtons - Grape Newtons (1987).mpg
Franco-American - Spaghettios - Magician (1985).mpg
Freshenup Gum - Gum that Goes Squirt (1982).mpg
Frosted Mini-Wheats - Suprise (1986).mpg
Fruit Corners - Fruit Roll-Ups - Country Fun (1984).mpg
General Mills - Cheerios - Charlie Brown Surfing (1986).mpg
General Mills - Cheerios - Stick Figure Pogo Stick (1982).mpg
General Mills - Powdered Donutz Cereal (1982).mpg
General Mills - Strawberry Cereal - Berry Delicious (1983).mpg
General Mills - Watch n Play - Win a Sony Watchman (1983).mpg
General Mills - Watchman TV Giveaway (1983).mpg
General Mills - Win a VCR or a Viewmaster (1982).mpg
Genral Mills - Golden Grahms - Cool Kids (1985).mpg
GI-Joe - Mega Marines (1989).mpg
Go Bots - Puzzler Set (1986).mpg
Hasbro - Gi-Joe - Bridge Maker (1986).mpg
Haynes - Bruce Wirz Famous Tough Guy (1987).mpg
Heinz Ketchup - Funhouse (1988).mpg
Hershey - Rolos - Contraption (1980).mpg
Hersheys - Dance Steps (1984).mpg
Hersheys - Great American Chocolate Bar (1983).mpg
Hersheys - Watchamacallits (1981).mpg
Hersheys Kisses - Prince from a Frog (1981).mpg
Hi-C - With Lots of Vitaman C (1984).mpg
Hi-C Fruit Drinks - At the Beach (1986).mpg
Hot Wheels - Dynamite Crossing (1986).mpg
Hot Wheels Cobra Stunt Set (1984).mpg
Hubba Bubba - High Noon (1981).mpg
Isotoner - Comfort Slippers (1989).mpg
Jordach - Ice Cream Parlor (1986).mpg
Keebler - EL Fudge (1985).mpg
Keebler - Krunch Twists (1986).mpg
Kelloggs - Marshmellow Rice Crispies (1982).mpg
Kelloggs - OJs Cereal (1985).mpg
Kellogs - Star Wars - c3POs (1984).mpg
Kenner - Star Wars - Hans Solo and C-3PO (1982).mpg
Kenner - Star Wars Return of the Jedi - Sy Snoodles (1983).mpg
Kenner - Star Wars Yoda and R2D2 Toys (1981).mpg
Kenner - Strawberry Shortcake Dolls (1982).mpg
Kool-Aid - For Hot Kids  (1985).mpg
Kool-Aid - Roller Hockey - Ohh Yah (1984).mpg
Kudos - Granola Goodness (1987).mpg
Levis - Get Real (1987).mpg
Levis - Quality Never Goes Out of Style 03 (1985).mpg
Life - Your Kids will Eat it (1987).mpg
M&Ms - Magical Land (1985).mpg
M&Ms - Thank you Easter Bunny (1980).mpg
Manglors (1985).mpg
Mars - M&M - Computer Genius (1988).mpg
Mask - Switchblade - Thunderhawk - Rhino (1984).mpg
Matchbox - Superfast Machines (1988).mpg
Mattel - Barbie - Enchanted Evenings (1982).mpg
Mattel - He-Man - Castle Grayskull (1981).mpg
Mattel - He-Man - Dragon Blaster Skeletor (1986).mpg
Mattel - He-Man - Man-e-Faces (1982).mpg
Mattel - Hot Wheels - Firebird (1982).mpg
McDonalds - Back in Time (1982).mpg
McDonalds - Scared Silly (1987).mpg
Mighty Dog - Gaurdian of Good Taste (1988).mpg
Milk Does a Body Good - Cow in the Moon (1983).mpg
Nabisco - Chips Ahoy - For More Chocolate Taste (1983).mpg
Nabisco - Fruit Wheats (1987).mpg
Nabisco - Wheat Thins (1988).mpg
NBC - The Smurfs will Return - High 80s (1988).mpg
NBC Network Bumper - PSA - Betcha Dont Know (1982).mpg
NBC Network Bumper - The Smurfs will Return (1982).mpg
Nestle Quik - Atari 2600 Co-Brand (1983).mpg
New Kids on the Block Toys (1989).mpg
Nickelodeon - Bouncing Pinball Promo (1983).mpg
Nickelodeon - Out of Control Promo (1989).mpg
Nickelodeon - YCDTOTV Promo (1983).mpg
Nickelodeon Network Bumper - Mr Wizzard Promo (1988).mpg
Nickelodeon Network Bumper - Silver Ball Lense Flair (1982).mpg
Nickelodeon Network Bumper - Slime Factory (1986).mpg
Nike - Sky High (1986).mpg
One to Grow On PSA - Justine Bateman - Cooperation (1986).mpg
Oreo - Whos that Kid with the Oreo Cookie (1987).mpg
Parker Brothers - Nerf - Boomerang (1982).mpg
Pillsberry Popin Fresh Cresent Rolls (1984).mpg
Play-Doh - Fun Factory (1984).mpg
PopSide - Become a Pop Star (1987).mpg
Post - Alpha Bits - Circus (1982).mpg
Post - Alpha Bits - Win a Godamn Robot (1987).mpg
Post - Capn Crunch - Anti-Soggy Machine (1986).mpg
Post - Honeycomb - Karate Kid (1983).mpg
Post - Super Sugar Crisp - Shark Attack (1981).mpg
PSA - CBS Stop the Madness - Pat Sajak (1988).mpg
PSA - Foundation for Exceptional Children (1982).mpg
PSA - Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires (1983).mpg
Quackers (1987).mpg
Quaker - Halfsies (1982).mpg
Rainbow Brite Cereal (1985).mpg
Ralston Purenia - Cookie Crook Versus Jarvis (1981).mpg
Ralston Purenia - Waffelos Cereal (1982).mpg
Reeses - Peanut Butter Cups - Video Game (1982).mpg
Reeses Peices - A Rock Star Loves You (1983).mpg
Reeses Peices ET Co Brand (1984).mpg
Rough Riders 4x4 - OMNI Force (1982).mpg
Simon - Hair Rock Commercial (1983).mpg
Starburst - Refreshments (1984).mpg
Stratego (1983).mpg
Stride Rite - Zips - Become a Rock Star (1983).mpg
Stride Rite - Zips Tennis Shoes (1984).mpg
Sunkist - Fun Fruit Dinosaurs (1987).mpg
Super Go Bots - Staks - Leader 1 - Cy-Kill (1985).mpg
Superman Peanut Butter (1982).mpg
Takara - Penny Racers (1982).mpg
Tasters Choice - A Full Cup of Flavor (1988).mpg
Tidal Wave - Bubble Gum (1983).mpg
Tonka - Pound Puppies (1985).mpg
Twizzlers - Makes Mouths Happy (1984).mpg
Wammo - Slip and Slide (1987).mpg
Water Pets  (1988).mpg
Wham-o - Water Wiggle (1986).mpg
Wrangler - Fight that King Cobra Dude (1984).mpg
Wrigglys - Juicy Fruit - The Taste Gunna Move You (1984).mpg
Wrigglys Gum - Fall in Love (1986).mpg
Wrigleys - Double Mint - Double Trouble (1987).mpg
York Peppermint Patties - Ski Jump (1987).mpg

Recente Discussie
1: Haal het doek maar op Wim Sonneveld (1) by Annemarie1944
2: Re:VHS banden 1999-2012 (3) by Dominic
3: Gezocht: [24 uur met] René Gude (24-01-2014) (1) by rbnspm
4: Gezocht: aflevering goochelaars ontmaskerd (1) by Daha1969
5: Re:Pinokkio - Kindernet (4) by Puntje
6: Gezocht: Docu Straatbeelden 1988 (1) by Dominic
 Loeki - Een Mooie Dag Outro (1993).jpg
I think I found it
Posted by: junhogamer3333
 Staatsloterij - Appel Schieten (Marnix Kappers) (1985).jpg
Hier online:
Posted by: admin
 Lotto - Krasloten in de Toekomst (Serge Henri Falcke) (1997).jpg
Wie heeft dit reclamefilmpje voor mij op DVD of MP...
Posted by: B.Tol
 Staatsloterij - Appel Schieten (Marnix Kappers) (1985).jpg
Hoi beste, ik zou graag dit filmpje een keer wille...
Posted by: John ter Voort
 TV Show - Interview Willem Ruis (198x).jpg
Belachelijk late reactie maar kom; dit is uit 1982...
Posted by: MrSambaboy
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